Thursday 19 August 2021



4:30 PM
For some strange reason, she always showed up at this time.
I could tell by the position of the sun over our heads,
and the smile on the faces of the shadows it had forged of us.

For the first time in a long time, only one shadow was present,
at 4:40 PM,
and he wasn't smiling.
I knew outright that something was off.

All the conversations from the last few days began playing back in my head.
4:50 PM,
That was when it  hit me; she was saying goodbye.
The many times she kept asking how my life will be without her.
How she'd randomly whisper "I'll miss you"
And how she'd ask that I repeat the same silly joke so she doesn't forget it.
How dumb I was to have not seen the signs.

I had plans for her,
But a part of me always knew she was smarter.
The plans she had for herself, far outweighed what anyone else could give her.
And from the way she smiled when I spoke of my plans, 
I could loudly hear her silence say "Ha! you naive little man".

Lo, I was not sad; I wasn't even scared for her
As a matter of fact, I was elated.
She deserved more than life out here could ever give her.

I spent that evening rearranging my dreams,
Hoping I'll someday have the courage to run away too,
While I imagined how great our lives will turn out,
With or without each other

And I whispered in the direction of the wind,
Trusting the possibility of her hearing this message;
"Wherever you are Eaglet, keep flying!"
5:00 PM!

Thursday 4 February 2021


 I had wishes,

wishes that someday, I'd grow deaf to the voice of society;

wishes that someday, the universe would align to my tune and offer me three wishes.

Wishes to simply be happy with me.

I kept these wishes in a piggy bank,

hoping that someday, they may grow to catch up with the pace of the days.

Hoping for the awakening I knew would never come.

But one-day, I woke up;

I woke up and I showed up.

I showed up unapologetically with big boobs in no bra,

resting on my not-your-regular belly.

I showed up with these sharp nipples piercing through my gown.

With extra flesh hanging down my triceps,

 and inflated cheeks as air sacs,

I showed up with all 32 of my dents beneath the spotlight.

I took centre stage of the world and danced offbeat,

in a realm of my own, connected to my highest self.

And even when the music stopped, 

I could not stop me from dancing.

Twas the day I accepted who I was.

Twas the day I learnt to love myself.

Twas the happiest day of my life.

Twas the game changer!

Photo by Priscilla Fraire on Unsplash

Friday 22 January 2021



They read to me stories of great men.
They said, "if you want to be happy, you have to be like them".
They lighted flames on the sides of a path,
and called it mine, without my consent.

They said, "you cannot walk like that".
They said, "you need to talk like this".
They painted a picture of me, donned in the finest, 
hanged it on the walls of their consciousness and called it Tomorrow.
My Tomorrow!

They said if I want to be happy, I have to look like that
I said "my happy friend looks different".
They said "you cannot be like him".
They said "he's good for nothing".

Well I want to be good, for nothing more do I desire,
above laying half naked far away on a lonely beach,
eavesdropping on innuendos sent ashore by the tender waves,
while I wait for the sun to set,

Tuesday 19 January 2021


As a liar,
make me an advocate of the truth.
Have me be the mouthpiece that tells of lies' destruction.

For I have at firsthand, 
seen the monsters my very actions have notched.
I have crawled harmlessly into harmonious places 
and inspired chaos.

Like a chameleon, I too have taken lives,
by the action of my tongue.

I have dug graves with utterances,
and buried Truth alive.
And if Truth does resurrect, 
my abode shall be where i first put him.

As a liar, 
I am become my own nemesis.

As a liar, 
etch upon my tombstone,
"Truth is such a delight".

Thursday 29 November 2018


Lately,  I lose track of time, staring at moving clouds,
waking up famished in places cold.
Lately, a voice mocks me from within,
a voice as spooky as a murderer's ghost in a haunted house. 

Lately, I wake countless times before the morning comes,
and I forget the good dreams.

Lately, all the songs have become boring,
their lyrics make no sense,
yet the silence is more terrifying.
Lately, I engage in useless brawls,
punching first and punching weak,
as one with a longstanding death wish.

Lately, I go on pattern-less runs,
 trying to forget something I cannot remember. 

Lately, I have no admiration for the man in the mirror,
his smiles are fake,
and his demeanor reeks of delirium.

And I must confess; 
lately, I'm not as strong as I was,
 when it used to be you and I against the world!

Sunday 13 May 2018


If wishes could come into being by a snap of my fingers,
I would throw a feast for my mother on the face of still waters.
If I could whisper the stars to draw nearer,
I will task them to surround these waters.
And I will call upon all the nobles,
to bear me witness;
As I show my appreciation to the Queen of my world.

If I could tie down the hands of time, 
The celebration will be eternal. 
The celebration of a life well lived;
The celebration of true motherhood. 
The womb that kept me.
The breast that fed.
The hands that nurtured me.
The embrace that dried my tears.
The kiss that soothed me.
The voice that said 'I'm here, you need not worry!'

A million tongues to sing, 
Of how deep my love for you is.
Extending from the deep blue skies, 
To the floor of the deepest oceans. 
Yet it cannot be compared,
To half of your love shown to me.
Today, I say thank you,
To the God who made you;
Who made you just for me.
I couldn't have asked for more
And now I boldly declare, 
There's no mother like mine!

Sunday 25 February 2018


She walked out of the emergency room trying to come to terms with reality. A few steps away and it really dawned on her. She went slowly unto the floor in her pretty white dress. The next moment, she caught everyone's attention with her unending deafening wailing. Began with shouts of Ah! Ah! Ah! Akwasi! Then she laid on her back, looked into the skies and started the one way conversation;
"why God?  We had a deal God! and I've kept my part. Why have you forsaken me? Why? This wasn't what you promised. Why have you taken everything from me? God why? Take me too Lord, for I have nothing to live for".  

Her eyes, noses, mouth were all filled with their various fluids. She turned back facing the ground and began striking the hard floor with her right palm. You could literally see blood ooze out her fingers. At this stage, all the pain is inside the heart. The whole body had gone numb and everyone is just helplessly staring. 

For a while, onlookers had come to the realization that they really have no problems at all. The young lady's white dress had turned scarlet and her display had frozen time all around her. People tried to lift her up but her weight had multiplied. Perhaps, all the men had grown weak.

She suddenly turned and faced the heavens again. This time she was just sobbing silently. It was like God was finally whispering the answers she had asked earlier. All we could hear was inconsistent humming. From the crowd gathered, I could see tears run down the cheeks of some observers but I tried to hold back mine. 

The young lady turned to one of the men trying to lift her up and said "Akwasi na ad3n? For better for worse oo, anka lose your job mpo and let us stay poor. Till death do us part was a mere formality oo Akwasi. Na 6 months de3, how do I carry on? Akwasi, how do I name our child?" 

That was when we all noticed she was pregnant. It was a sunny afternoon but suddenly, thick clouds filled the whole atmosphere. Another lady standing by me abruptly dropped her yogurt and pie. Apparently, she was also a newly married lady who's husband was battling it in the ER. She caught shivers with immediate effect, coming to terms with what, hopefully not, but could possibly be her story if things go south.  

I wish I could tell you more, but I couldn't stand the awe. I had to walk away like many others, wondering if these worries in life over petty stuff were really worth it. 

And for days, I still have that scene replaying in my head like a movie.

I love you all and I entreat everyone to search their hearts and rid them free of any envy, hatred or grudge. One day, life will come to an abrupt end all these races for supremacy won't matter one bit!
Love life and stay safe!