Tuesday, 22 August 2017


If you wake one morning
And you find the world mourning
If you peep through your window
And you don't see my shadow
If you walk to the almond tree
And you still don't find me
Don't come knocking on my door
Don't come asking for more

I may have left for your sake
I may have drowned in the lake
I may have drowned in my tears
The tears you gave me over the years
When nothing I did was enough
When sight of me stirred your wrath
Don't go asking of me
For I've left to make you free

And maybe, I should say sorry
For the discomfort and the worry
Well, you know the rest of the story
But I'm tired of saying sorry
So when you peep through your window
And you catch a glimpse of moving shadow
This was me tired of trying
This was me finally fleeing

When you wake in the morning
And you find the world mourning
Order to have their tears dry
Do smile while they cry
Do know that I tried
And by trying, I died!