Tuesday, 12 December 2017

The Melanin Menace!

The marks on our wrists, they could tell a thousand stories.
The wounds on our ankles, a million more stories.
The rage was extreme, yet buried away in fear.
Hunger, the least of our woes.
Such horror and agony to withstand,
that throwing us off these ships was considered mercy.
Anywhere else would be a better dwelling place. 

But we were slaves; men unfit to even have dying wishes.

We watched our fathers die; hanged on gallows.
We watched our mothers raped; amidst tears in open fields.
We watched our siblings sold for pieces of silver.
We worked our whole lives in sugar cane and cotton fields.
No roofs over our heads.
So cold, no coats.
We shared the nights with poisonous serpents.

We called them Masters.
And we dared not talk back at them. 

They stripped us in the markets, 
displaying our private endowments, as attempts to price us up.

They auctioned us to bidders; bidders of their like skin color.
Bidders with much dreaded hearts.

Monsters in fine clothing, 
who chained us to horses; riding for miles unending. 

Blessed were those who Death visited.
For no pasture was green enough, to give us a sense of fulfillment.
 No pasture was green enough, in this world of ours.

Our tunnels had no ends.
Pitch black till The Maker calls.
For we had no reason to smile, unless the master bids you.

All of these, we attribute,
to the melanin menace.
Twas what we did to deserve this.

And to see those we call our brothers, beat once more this shameful drum
giving the devil a  beautiful name, Xenophobia!

Just because we asked for bread.
Just because we left our homes, in search of a fallacy.
The fallacy of the land of milk and honey.

Home is not home anymore.
Home, reminds me of a place where my neighbor was my brother.
Where we shared the joy and endured the pain.

Home, paints to me a day where we take the knee at heart,
with our right fists up and our left hand on the next shoulder.
 Home shall be when black lives matter to black people.

And then to all people!

Wednesday, 15 November 2017


You're the priceless painting on the wall
You're the young painters bait to greatness
You're the best in the gallery
You're so beautifully made, you've grown conspicuous
You've become the center of attraction
Rubbing shoulders with the best of Da Vinci
The works of Picasso envy you
And all the nobles fancy you

I'm just one rusty nail
Journeyed through wild degrees of fire
Beaten and hammered into the wall
I do not shine, neither do I blink
I'm literally a ghost
Hiding in the shadows of the masterpiece
Tasked to keep your highness hanging
Even as your fame breeds pride

You could offer me a wipe
When sweat runs down my face
You could smile and show appreciation
For what I offer behind the scenes
Or you could look down upon me
And utter your disparaging remarks.
One will make me stay
And keep you hanging on the walls forever
The other will kick me out
And watch you crash into the ground

For though you're a star;
Perfectly molded by the creator
And I'm just a blemish;
A mistake from the painter's brush,
My imperfections herald the crown on your head
You, perfect work of art!

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


O! How I despise magic
Yet I never doubt it's existence
I've just been distant from the art
I deem it treacherous and deceitful
Why should tricks amuse the world?
Mere illusions and fallacies
Earning undeserving applause
O! How I despise magic

O! How I despise magic
Until our paths did meet
Until I saw the beauty in your eyes
A sanctuary of fireflies at night
And colorful butterflies at day
I could stare at them all day
And wish the sun never retires

O! How I love that voice
Like a choir of musical legends
With birds as backing vocalists
Your whisper is a melody in my head
And if I had my way,
I'd pay to hear you speak
You must be an angel
With wings concealed from human eyes

Do you wield an invisible wand?
Is it somewhere in your right hand?
Could it all be illusions?
Could it be I loved magic?
And I never knew at all
Could we call it something else
Something else aside magic
Or do I have to just accept
That I loved magic afterall!

Tuesday, 22 August 2017


If you wake one morning
And you find the world mourning
If you peep through your window
And you don't see my shadow
If you walk to the almond tree
And you still don't find me
Don't come knocking on my door
Don't come asking for more

I may have left for your sake
I may have drowned in the lake
I may have drowned in my tears
The tears you gave me over the years
When nothing I did was enough
When sight of me stirred your wrath
Don't go asking of me
For I've left to make you free

And maybe, I should say sorry
For the discomfort and the worry
Well, you know the rest of the story
But I'm tired of saying sorry
So when you peep through your window
And you catch a glimpse of moving shadow
This was me tired of trying
This was me finally fleeing

When you wake in the morning
And you find the world mourning
Order to have their tears dry
Do smile while they cry
Do know that I tried
And by trying, I died!

Friday, 28 July 2017


An edifice of true beauty
Wallowing in solitude
With walls so high
Denying men of the great view

A chest of treasures
Buried to the deepest core
In tombs of silence
And echoes of sobs

A lady hurt too often
By the overrated phenomenon
The phenomenon of love
Purported by men as phenomenal

On the other side of her wall
Stands one curious pauper
With riches on the innate
A heart as pure as pure

Wandering and wondering
Why beauty of such magnitude
Goes about unnoticed
In chains-and-shackles-bound

Would you just let me in
Get me just beyond your walls
And let me at least try
To unravel this chain mystery

I come bearing nothing
But a key to these shackles
A song to this silence
A light to these tombs

I come as another
Another of you
Rejected and abandoned
With nothing at all to lose

Let me in, mi lady
As one to dry your tears
One to be your ears
Only if you let me in!

Would you, or would you not?

Sunday, 2 July 2017


Should I say it?
Would it deem fit?
Questions I ask myself,
When I'm alone with myself.

Does he like me?
Are we meant to be?
From night till morn,
The questions go on and on.

 I see how he stares,
While I descend the stairs.
That smile he wears;
Lo! I already said Yes!

Will he ever ask?
O! Waiting is such a task!
Should I approach him?
Thoughts make my head spin.

Does he feel same?
Would he be easy to tame?
The questions go on and on,
From night till morn.

Is it just in my head?
Perhaps an effect of my med,
Or mere infatuation?
O! What a situation!

Whatever tomorrow holds,
I pray it quickly unfolds.
For such instabilities,
Suppresses my abilities!

**Inspired by Adorable Adlin Rawkad!

Tuesday, 6 June 2017


I sing of a lady
One adorable as a baby
A lady Who hunts hearts
And mends their broken parts

I sing of a maiden
Whose beauty roots from Eden
With eyes like fireflies
She glows when she smiles

I sing of beauty
Pure, unadulterated beauty
Beautiful angel with no wings
The reason the bird sings

I sing of Adlin
Adlin, the lady; Adlin, the Queen
One who hangs on the hands of time
Hoping that soon the bells will chime

I sing like I have no choice
Longing to hear that soothing voice
Of one, so dear to me
One I long to see

O! Beautiful maiden
O! Beautiful Adlin
You have not the slightest clue
Of how much I miss you!

Sunday, 4 June 2017


On the same fields we laid
When I had to say goodbye
I lay once again
Several moons after that night

I lay again but in twisted manner
A manner of unclear anticipation
A manner of dread uncertainty
As a fool in his own paradise

A decade already,
Since that passionate goodbye
Things and times have changed
Bewildering my thoughts

Would you see me from afar,
Let go of all your belongings,
Run to me like old times
And give me a diving hug?

Would you hold me so tight
With tears down your cheeks
Whispering into my ears;
Don't you ever leave again!

Or would you wave from a distance
And whisper a silent Hi
With your face looking downwards
Like my presence is trouble?

Would you come riding a chariot,
Bearing the ring of King's wife?
Would I have to call you Highness
And bow like everyone else?

Did the blue bird deliver my letters?
Did you enjoy reading them?
Or were you patiently waiting,
To burn them before my very eyes?

On the same fields we laid
When I had to say goodbye,
Will I repeat the bad goodbye?
Or etch a memory beneath the moon!

Saturday, 20 May 2017


Lord, I'm lost
And I cannot locate the cross
My vision is shrouded
And my thoughts clouded
My knees have failed to kneel
And now my feet cannot feel

Lord, I'm lost
And I cannot locate the cross
Even beneath the bright light,
I doubt my own sight
I'm as one with no foresight
Like a kite on a stormy night

Lord I'm lost
And I admit I'm lost
I have come to crossroads
With offenses, a hundred folds
And though my sins be overly gross
Lead me once again to the cross

Aren't we all lost,
Trying to win at all costs?
Aren't we all lost,
Seeking worldly pleasures and all sorts?
Lord, we're all lost
Lead us once again, to the cross!

Thursday, 16 March 2017


They say no man is an island
Perhaps I am no man
For I am an island 
A desolate one indeed

My plight is mine alone
My fight, against none but myself
I am as unto nothing
Unnoticed is both my presence and absence

I don't recall doing wrong
Yet I cannot forgive myself
I cannot trace my offense
How then do I let go?

I do not know myself
I don't think I ever will
How then will someone else?
I shall remain an island!

I am dying 
And no one knows 
No one must know
For no one will believe my story 

You will call me foolish
You will say I deserve it
Defending your arguments with logic
Pretending to be better than me

You who believe my story
You hurt me the most
You saw the tears inside
Yet you didn't push enough

You should have asked again
When I said I was ok
You should have asked again
And again, and again!

I am dying 
And you think my story is lame?
I am dying
And you all are to blame!