I had wishes,
wishes that someday, I'd grow deaf to the voice of society;
wishes that someday, the universe would align to my tune and offer me three wishes.
Wishes to simply be happy with me.
I kept these wishes in a piggy bank,
hoping that someday, they may grow to catch up with the pace of the days.
Hoping for the awakening I knew would never come.
But one-day, I woke up;
I woke up and I showed up.
I showed up unapologetically with big boobs in no bra,
resting on my not-your-regular belly.
I showed up with these sharp nipples piercing through my gown.
With extra flesh hanging down my triceps,
and inflated cheeks as air sacs,
I showed up with all 32 of my dents beneath the spotlight.
I took centre stage of the world and danced offbeat,
in a realm of my own, connected to my highest self.
And even when the music stopped,
I could not stop me from dancing.
Twas the day I accepted who I was.
Twas the day I learnt to love myself.
Twas the happiest day of my life.
Twas the game changer!
Photo by Priscilla Fraire on Unsplash