Sunday, 25 May 2014


Day by day and night by night, he ignored rest
For the task ahead seemed to him, a puzzled quest
A sober decision to make life meaningful
A conscious effort to soar above all
Deliberately blinded, refuses to see failure
Deprived in the sight of men but spiritually equipped
Persevering spirit of a father and humility of a mother
Both of whom he never saw
Many wished for a bit of his prodigy in their offspring
But none wished to take him as a son
He never seemed perturbed
But like every mortal, tough moments came
Why do i weep?
He often asks himself
And immediately, bursts into hysterical laughter, the perfect panacea
You will always find him in his torn shirt
"MY HELP COMES FROM ABOVE", boldly written behind
As tattered as it seems,
He proudly refers to it as The Garment Of Hope!!!!

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