On bended knees we wail and wait
We wail and wait unto thy kingdom
May it come while we still kneel
While our thirst is still intense
With contrite hearts, we bend our knees
With no idea of how to start
How to say we lost our path
In this maze we call our lives
Filled with utmost uncertainty
Doubting our very own existence
We know not what we want
For when it comes, its never enough
How we do the things we don't like
How we struggle to live right
The tears we shed for no reason
The little secrets we tired of keeping
We've heard a lot about this God
Who came to die for men like us
Weary and overburdened with guilt
With eyes opened yet blind at heart
Give us rest like you promised
Lay a bed of peace in our hearts
Summon our wandering souls back home
And let us wear genuine smiles
With contrite hearts on bended knees
We wail and wait unto thy kingdom
May it come while we still kneel
While our thirst is still intense
Excellent piece.