Sunday, 20 July 2014


He heard the sound of the doorbell
He knew she would soon yell
“Pause cleaning the floor,
And see who’s at the door”
He goes as low as washing her undies
Oh Yeah! He washes her panties
His little son can’t call him daddy
For mummy treats him like a manny

They barely speak to eachother
And he dares not put his own son to order
He met her far back in high school
Oh! Her smile was so cool
People said it wasn’t safe if she was older
But he thought their love was stronger
Years later, they were at the altar
Making vows without a falter

Back when they used to go cruising
She would call her Captain Jack Robin
She used to be the girl he would die for
Indeed, this wasn’t what he bargained for
Now, all his friends call him a looser
But he warns them to keep working harder
For you never know how marriage could be a flop

Until  you finally loose your job!


Them that hear of him, never wish to see him
Them that speak of him, everybody avoids
For rumour has it that;
 Those who ever saw him have mouths that would not budge
Eyes that would not shut
Stricken by horrific dreams;
Nightmares that would not spare the slightest slumber

No one ever saw him perpetrate a perilous act
Neither did any victim attribute their attacks to him
And yet his deformity pronounces him guilty
Perhaps, to a crime he’s yet to commit
An innate heart of pure magnanimity
A desire to be a haven to the distressed
But ostracized by society for the fear of the unknown

Dwells in solitude, in a cave of treasures
While the people live in destitution
Hopeful that someday, someone will be brave enough to hear him out
For only then, will the treasures be discovered
To finally wipe out the penury
But the unborn generation inherits a legacy
An enslaved mind that embraces conservatism
And so, what they long for, forever remains hidden.


There he comes, a man filled with envy
He’s not moved by what is funny
Neither is he touched by the world’s greatest story
His wish is for all men to be in distress
But for himself, success in excess
A man who frowns at his brother’s progress
And takes delight in watching others suffer
Indeed, a wolf in sheep’s skin
He will visit the fields with you
Not to graze, but devour you
He’s always obsessed with evil thoughts
Oblivious of the fact that;
What he cherishes most is his weakness!

Sing your best melody to him
And in his ears, it’s a boring hymn
Of all you have, give him half
And face his greedy heart’s wrath
If God were to answer all he prays for
You would have nothing to live for
So cunning how he hides his thoughts behind smiles
He’s been by you through your journey of a thousand miles
He knows your every move, in and out
Disguised as the friend you can never do without
Be wary when he invites you to inspect his traps
For these traps might not be for crabs
Nevertheless, rejoice as you walk through the shrubs
For envious men, usually fall by their own traps!!


In the midst of the tempests, my heart yearns for you
Like a warrior yearns for the blood of his foes
My heart beats for you
Like a king who gives up his throne
In pursuit of an imaginary maiden
Thousands of miles away in an unknown land
The power of love;
Like a web with no exists
Love blinds us from seeing the widest openings
And binds us together in a never-ending dream
Proposes a toast to which we can never refuse
And drowns us in the oceans of unlimited joy and bliss
Love lives on as a blessing to humankind

But love mishandled is the most fierce curse there ever will be!!


Just when you feel you've been anchored
You realize your efforts escalated the sinking process
You keep going down without the faintest idea of the ocean’s depth
All hopes fade out like a flower’s glamour in the dry season
Life becomes a moving target
So swift that you just can’t aim at it
The impossibility of a dream coming into being

In such moments, your only assurance of a rescue
Is to look up to the Almighty Captain
He has been there before
For in the deep seas where you sink,
He walked with his bare feet
Yours is to focus and believe
For by believing, the living can make a living

A simple command from the Captain
And the face of the waters will calm
But if only you believe
The dolphins will lay you a bed
On the back of a blue whale
The seagulls will sing you a tune
And if it be the will of the Captain
You will never miss the land


Somewhere in the world, Mr. Jones lost his job
The backbone of a family of six is broken
On his way home, he ponders in bewilderment;
Soon, the landlords will come chasing their rents
My kids would have to suspend their education
And take on premature mantles of responsibilities
For at my age, who will employ me?
Misery abounds and despair looms
But mama calms daddy down
And on their knees, they said a prayer
Behold, the narrow escape; a better job offer came!

Somewhere in the world, Jerry got introduced to drugs
Little by little, he got addicted
He tried to resist but the urge was stronger
What drove him nuts were his empty pockets
Pick-pocketing and robbery then enslaved him
Until he passed out one night on a church-way
He awoke the next morning before an altar
Amidst tears, he whispered to the men that found him
‘Please help me, I don’t want to go back!!’
And so they knelt and said a prayer
Behold, the narrow escape; Jerry got clean!

Somewhere in the world, baby Harry lost his mum
He had no idea what death meant
He cried because everyone else was crying
His drunkard father’s presence was better off an absence
A man who finds joy only in wine
Harry grows to find life unbearable
With nothing to live for, he succumbs to suicide
On the day he bids earth farewell, a stranger knocked
‘God loves you’ was the message he carried
And so they knelt and said a prayer

Behold, the narrow escape; Harry’s hopes rekindled


Its daybreak Africa
And no one is shouting Eureka!
The dream is still not realized
Nor the vision finalized

It’s time for the whores to have their sleep
And robbers to gather what they did not reap
The policeman cannot use his gun
So when the thieves come, we all run

The hunters leave to inspect their traps
The musicians blow the dust off their harps
Cocoa harvest was quite low
And so farmers have no money to blow

Drivers’ horns are honking
Fishermen’s wives are mongering
The tourists enjoying the city’s view
A graduate is late for an interview

Poor kids trek for miles just to school
Rich kids debating on which of dad’s car is cool
Child labour everywhere
Men in nice suits littering anywhere

Public workers threaten to go on strike
Governments dedicated solely to price hike
See how work harden their palm
Yet the salary would not come

Hopefully, the dream will soon be realized
And the vision finalized
But for now, its daybreak Africa

And no one is shouting Eureka!!

Saturday, 5 July 2014


From dawn to dusk, we roam the streets
Hunger and fear, our daily treats
From dusk to dawn, unpleasant dreams
Vis-à-vis with life’s harsh realities

With bread and wine at their beck and call
They dine and wine until nightfall
Gathering and hoarding for their vicious deeds
Depriving us of elementary needs

We till the fields and sow the seeds
And lay wait unto the harvest
Praying and hoping it does not tarry
We make our petition known to the Rain God

But while we wait in joyful hope
They creep at night and mount our horses
Reaping with our sickles, the fruits of our labour
Fulfilling their covetous desires

Yet we do not come to wage war
We only appeal for a humble offering
Lend us a helping hand
For in unity, we all stand

Heed our earnest utterance
Lest we bury our tolerance
Bridge this gap in tranquility
Else we do it contrarily

Tuesday, 1 July 2014


Our tender hearts did love seize
In the silent nights with ease
The die was cast
I found one at last
When I blink
She would wink
In her eyes was the light
The light that shines so bright
Bright light that tamed my brutish soul
Beneath this light, my haven, my sole
One thing would make it certain
To affirm her thoughts, her version
I asked her out on a date
To which she did not hesitate

In my head, I rehearsed
Word by word, line by line
And a short prayer to Saint Valentine
As I handed her a Clementine
And so we sat on the sandy beach
Rumbling in my head, the golden speech
At last, on ma knees, I poured it all out
She looked away, she seemed to doubt
She turned back and she shivered
I can’t! I can’t!! she whispered
My heartbeat echoed as I heard
Indeed, we both yearned
I yearned for her and no other
She yearned too but for another!


I saw the end before it begun
So dark and yet so vivid
I  saw the usurper on the throne
Sentencing the masses to death by starvation
The land, swallowed by flood                    
From the tears of the innocent souls

I saw the end before it begun
I saw it bend unto the foe’s path
The wicked smiled and the gentle wept
Alas, the people had no say
I tried and tried to twist this fate
But in vain were my endeavors

What’s the virtue of a premonition,
If its outcome is inevitable?
If no effort of mine can defy the odds
And win me Glory’s favour,
Then what’s the worth of this vision?
So I hoist a white banner, symbol of truce
Hoping for a redemption I might never receive

To the spirits that make dreams;
Conceal from me the hard truth
Let me live in joyous oblivion
As the conspirators conceive their sinister rebellion
Allow my heart its peace until the epiphany
For the knowledge of defeat before its encounter,
Has carved a scar unto my soul!!!