Tuesday, 1 July 2014


I saw the end before it begun
So dark and yet so vivid
I  saw the usurper on the throne
Sentencing the masses to death by starvation
The land, swallowed by flood                    
From the tears of the innocent souls

I saw the end before it begun
I saw it bend unto the foe’s path
The wicked smiled and the gentle wept
Alas, the people had no say
I tried and tried to twist this fate
But in vain were my endeavors

What’s the virtue of a premonition,
If its outcome is inevitable?
If no effort of mine can defy the odds
And win me Glory’s favour,
Then what’s the worth of this vision?
So I hoist a white banner, symbol of truce
Hoping for a redemption I might never receive

To the spirits that make dreams;
Conceal from me the hard truth
Let me live in joyous oblivion
As the conspirators conceive their sinister rebellion
Allow my heart its peace until the epiphany
For the knowledge of defeat before its encounter,
Has carved a scar unto my soul!!!


  1. What a great poem full of honesty! I think a wide majority of this generation can relate to this!

  2. thank you dearie
    your comments inspire me a lot
