Saturday, 26 December 2015


"It shouldn't matter if it's the latest
It simply should be the greatest"
The words of the Creator to himself
As he painted an image of himself

He knew every bristle on his brush
Yet he painted without a rush
Like the gentle waters of a stream
Flowing in a midday's dream

His board perfectly erected
His colors carefully selected
Perfecting his long awaited schemes
The angels sung their hymns

From how he held his palette
You could tell he bore talent
With care in every stroke
His board, the colors soaked

One couldn't help but note
The harmony like musical note
The image on his mind
Simply one of a kind

The pattern and the rhythm
The shades he gave them
Emphasis on value
Detailed attention to hue

Before the angel, before the elf
He blessed this image of himself
And when it was all done
He chose to call it MAN!